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En av mina systrar uppmanade mig till att skriva lite här, skriva sånt som egentligen inte är till för andra att läsa. Såna där texter som hamnar i utkast i luren, då känslorna blir för många. Så jag citerar E.Badu innan jag blottar mig för er: keep in mind that i'm an artist n i'm sensitive about my shit.

Got a relation to the 99 route, sitting on my bus looking out.
Sun slowly falling a sleep, sky's same colour as my pink sheet.
Seems like the sky is falling with it n my town takes on it's thrown as the 8th wonder of the world.
Even though the eagles' crew are bombin' on the otherside, i feel problem free over here.
Sitting at my bus hands me the calm i need, closing my eyes, leaning back in my seat, don't want to see the making of world war 3.
On my way home, and all my worries are gone.
Like Hov said, "I've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"
The problems ain't to many, but i'm not perfect i got some.
For a short few the 99 route meets me halfway, like all relationships should.
I'll give the chauffeur all my cash if i could.
(You see my flirtin' got me in for free, no fee for me)
This is my love confession, goodnight GBG, say hello to J.Blund from me.

Piz!/ Evelina


Detta e jävligt bra eve.

2010-06-07 @ 20:14:18

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